^see that lil' bugger? That bugger bit me on the ear today, after I made several attempts on its life. I hope it doesn't come back to me in the form of the D & G fevers. Definitely not Dolce & Gabanna. If I don't blog by the end of this week, you'll know what's become of me. I can probably take some consolation from the fact that my camp is nowhere near Clive St. Which leaves...
Not much consolation huh? Oh yes, and the chance that the bugger didn't go round sucking up to random, sick people.
Anyway to continue where I left off last night... Ah yes, the feeling of being a 1 year soldier. That's what the people "up there" like to call us, but frankly I'd rather think of me being $20 richer every month. Money talks =) Not to mention the coming-soon additional stripe that earns another $50. Of course some people, after attending a certain course (plus that guy who went thailand), will earn much more. *hint* Big Treat *hint*
Saturday started off with the routine soccer game with the CO guys at Bedok reservoir, followed by the customary, refreshing drink of tau hway zhui and a plate of queue-up-to-buy chicken rice.
Went off to SimLim Sq to shop around for an external hard drive to backup the PCs and laptops at home, just in case something disastrous happens. Lugged my acoustic guitar along since I was meeting some YL members after that. Which was a rather bad idea in the crowded tech heaven. In the end, after walking a few rounds up on level 3,4 and 5, I managed to squeeze out with a Western Digital 500GB HDD for $200, which goes for less than 50cents per GB. Space keeps getting cheaper - I remember paying nearly $100 for a 128MB thumbdrive a few years back. And they say we're experiencing inflation. To a geek like me - What inflation?
Rushed off to Bugis to catch a train to go City Hall to meet the YL gang. Bad idea again - this time with extra hard drive package. The crowd at Bugis Street was crazy. I think average speed was 1cm per second. Since I was unfamiliar with alternative routes, I had to plunge in and snailed my way through. All the way I was cringing everytime someone bumped into my guitar, which was nearly every nanosecond. I'm always amused by the Sex Shop in Bugis Street - I can't imagine how people, after a loong day browsing through hordes of shoppers for a bunch of clothes and bags, still have sex on their minds. I personally would treat fresh air as an olfactory orgasm of sorts, and sink into a nice soft sofa instead of under the sheets anytime. Still I could see plenty of teenagers (some probably not even 16 yet) hanging in and around the shop. Prominent meeting place? ("Hey, tomorrow, 2pm, Bugis Sex Shop, ok?")
Finally got to Gelare at Citylink and had some latte while getting to know the YL members who were there. If I remember correctly, DJ, Fanny, sonic, dusty, uchihamel, lamevil and the_chap were there. Great bunch of people, though some were kinda quiet. We were joined by Meron, the" guitar sensei", before heading off to Peninsular Shopping Centre to drool at the guitars. I really love those PRS guitars with the bird fretboard inlays. Santana uses them!!! <3.
Then we went over to Fort Canning Park for a guitaring session where yonghui and gnax joined us.
Pics Here
Dinner at Oasis Taiwan Porridge! Best porridge in Singapore IMO. Too bad they tearing down the building for the Sports Hub. T.T
Sunday was a day to relax. And relax I did, until I forgot to wake up. zzz. XJ came over for lunch (she volunteered to be my mum's CNY dish guinea pig). The experimental dish was this fusion Japanese + Chinese + Vietnamese prawn, asparagus, carrot and pei dan spring roll. Good stuff! Although the century egg tasted rather bland... The chicken probably chao kenged and incubated it for a decade or something.
Helped XJ with her Econs homework and I found myself remembering stuff like opportunity costs, CBA, marginal benefits and whatnot. Plus the not-so-welcoming voice of an infamous VJ econs lecturer ("REVIEW!"). XJ was quite amazed that I managed to conjure up charts from Microsoft Excel - no thanks to that 15-page report writing =P
Uni life seems rather hectic. Wonder what awaits me in 2 years' time...