Friday, January 06, 2012


Whoa, has it been 6 months since my last post? It's been too long. To all my friends, 久しぶり(long time no see)!

Why the long absence from this place? Frankly, after coming back from 6 weeks in Hong Kong, I kept wanting to create a long post describing all the stuff that happened over there, but the evil person called Mr. Procrastinate kept pulling me back. Eventually I forgot about it and there you go - 6 months have flown by. I guess last semester was a pretty busy one, and together with my growing usage of Twitter, I've neglected this place :/

Video killed the radio star? No, Twitter (or for some, Tumblr) killed the Blogger!

So let's see, what have I missed out for these past 6 months... you know how shows like The Walking Dead like to do a recap of the previous episode? "Last time, on the Walking Dead..."

1) YUI HHITS Live in HK

Words cannot describe how I felt during my very first (and last) YUI performance
2) 6 weeks GSS in HK

Food, food and more food :D
3) Got meself an Android - HTC Desire S

Its an excellent phone. Sleek, compact and very usable
4) Back with the band

For the UK Bound bash
5) SCANDAL Asia Tour in SG

6) Genting

Nope, didn't win money
And of course, back to the daily grind of school, lectures, tutorials and examinations. Had a really enjoyable holiday in December as well, so I can't complain.

So thats it - 2011 was a very eventful year. Lets hope for a equally eventful 2012 (in a good way, of course). As Ueda in Trick puts it - 「どんと来い!」 "Bring it on!"

Anyway, if you've noticed (or tried to access this place by typing the old address), I've changed the title as well as the blog address. Why "The Budget Geek ("? Well, for one it'll be easier to type without all those goddamnned dashes. And secondly, I realised I'm not a conventional, at-the-forefront-of-technology kind of geek. I'm more of a if-you-don't-need-it-don't-get-it kind of geek.

I hope to post up budget (or value) suggestions for tech buys in the future, so watch this space.


In other news, Adele's album 21 is the best selling album of 2011. Thank god, real music is still being appreciated. Not trash like *cough* Baby *cough* Friday *cough*

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