Note: The wallpaper changes as the Earth rotates.
Desktops should be works of art, not a dumping ground for tons of icons =)
Cheap geek thrill.
I was inspired after reading a couple of Lifehacker posts. I believe the inner geek in you will start drooling after reading the 2nd post :P
Some tools to get a similar effect:
Desktop Earth
In the meantime, here's what my CPU and GPU cores have been up to lately:
While I'm not playing games or using any other resource-hogging applications, I've installed programs that will fully utilise any unused processing power, harnessing the processors to do calculations that will contribute towards projects that aim to model the climate, find a cure for cancer, predict protein folding patterns and improve rice yields, among others.
Its called grid-computing, and its amazing what it can do. Instead of individual laboratories and organisations running these calculations on their own supercomputers (which cost bombs), grid computing uses the computing power from users like you and me, thanks to the wonders of the Internet.
Yes I admit, a topic in BS1004 (bio-informatics) triggered this interest, even though I knew it existed all along.
So while I type this blog post, I'm contributing to a cure for AIDS! Its doesn't cost a cent either, only electricity. Well it might contribute to global warming, but the processors would still be sucking up power doing nothing anyway.
If you have a decent CPU and graphics card, why not do some volunteer work?
World Community Grid
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