Wednesday, October 28, 2009


It took me this long to realise the advantage Twitter/Facebook status updates have over blogs.

When you're tired, have really got nothing to write, lacking in ideas/inspiration, or simply lazy to craft out a long blog post, short status updates are a godsend.

On the other hand, if I were to post "I am feeling SHINGZ" or stuff like that on my blog, I dare say you readers would rather go watch another Ris Low video.


Update on my rapidly deteriorating life.

1) This morning, for the very first time, I got out of bed, washed up, brewed a mug of Milo, and STUDIED. First thing in the morning. And no, its got nothing to do with the "mug" of Milo.

2) I'm rewatching Inuyasha, ever since news about a final season was released

3) I'm re-playing Starcraft: Brood War. The entire, kickass campaign. When I should be mugging.

4) I've run out of words to type.

Deteriorating is the correct word to use, no?


I'm having a stiff right shoulder now from sending too many Zerglings to their bloody doomZ.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Why I won't need Windows 7 (for now)

Yes you heard the title right. I don't need it now. But I never said I didn't want it :P

Windows 7 comes 3 years after the release of Vista, which is short by OS standards (Vista came after 6 years of XP). Maybe its their attempt to end the embarrassing Vista saga, which was blasted and condemned ever since it was released. The common opinion at that time? "Vista sucks."

For me, I didn't have a choice. Vista came with my gaming rig I bought off WCG 2007, so I had to "suck thumb" and lived with it. Initially, it seemed pretty cool, since I didn't have the resource-hungry problem, what with all the Aero effects and cool black bar. I even remembered installing a Vista skin for my old XP computer, before Vista was released. In other words, I was a Vista "fanboy". I loved the way it looked.

Then the problems started coming in. Crashes due to incompatibility, irritating UAC prompts, BSODs, the usual. I spent many hours fixing those problems, more often than not compromising rather than solving. After 2 long years, I've finally reached a state of equilibrium (no, not related to Physics or Chemistry in any way). UAC? Disabled. BSOD? Restart lor. Game crashes? Restart lor. Thumbnail previews buggy? Disable thumbnails lor. Any sense of frustration/anger had long ago evaporated, leaving me in a Zen-like state.

Thankfully, having tweaked the system for over 2 years now, its definitely much more stable than when it was a baby. To this date I haven't had a single un-recoverable crash. Games and other programs run perfectly fine as well (minus the occasional Crysis crashes).

Despite all the new features, amazing looks and all that hype that comes with Windows 7, I'll stick with Vista. That is, until the day I can get Windows 7 for free/uber cheap.


For those still stuck with XP though, its a no-brainer. Stop using that ugly, blue task bar!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

lai liao...

time goes by... so quickly.

Its already week 9, which means the exams just loom over the horizon in another 5 weeks' time.

And I'm still in a relative state of "relaxation", i.e no bouts of panic-mugging. Yet. I can't imagine how it was back in JC, where studying was like the top activity voted by students. I think I'd be buried in a pile of notes and past year papers by now.

As I formulate this blog post, I'm already getting ready to pick up my Computing notes and start reading, as soon as I'm done. *sigh*

Screw mugging.

Anyway, Tuesday was Hall 6's Mid Autumn Festival.


Wasn't Mooncake festival a couple of weeks ago?

Strange choice of dates aside, it was a pretty fun event, even though the moon was barely visible (it was crescent already). The Hall 6 jam band, Roku Band (nice name! roku incidentally means "6" in Japanese) played a couple of English and Mandarin songs - 21 Guns, Supermassive Black Hole, Wu Le Bu Zuo (Cape no. 7 theme song) and of course, One Night in Beijing. I was kinda worried that I'd screw up since it was my first time playing solos on stage, but luckily everything went rather smoothly. Everyone gelled pretty well, despite having only 2 practices the week before.

Following that was a singing competition, a standard dress-up-the-guys-by-removing-their-tops costume contest and a couple of games. Even our hall fellow, a prof, was dancing along to the music with his kid in his arms. Now that's one happening prof. Contrary to the event, there wasn't a mooncake in sight; there WAS a faux moon hanging in the concourse though, which looked rather like a yolk XD

After all that, it was back to sian.


When was the last time you watched a funny Youtube video? A few minutes ago? And by any chance was it from a link posted by a friend on Facebook?

I probably guessed right =)
Facebook = Viral videos.


Saturday, October 10, 2009


Just a little update to keep this place alive...

Been pretty busy lately, was chionging projects and lab reports during "recess" week.

In between practising guitar and joining Hall activities.

Most "breaking" news of the week:

I dented my guitar =(

+1 to ruggedness.

Anyway, shall write something more interesting when I get some inspiration.

See ya!


I usually reserve this space for some witty last words. I can't think of any tonight. zzz.