Monday, July 27, 2009


Yesterday while I was getting a haircut, the friendly auntie started to chat, asking me about the usual stuff, "Finish army? Going to uni? Which uni? Study what? When starting school? Now doing what?"

Then she said, "Study uni very good hor, got qian tu (future)".

Naturally I just smiled and agreed.

Then she looked at me in the mirror, stopped her scissors and did the rubbing fingers sign, "Really got qian (money) tu hor!"

That got me laughing. Luckily she wasn't wielding a powered-on razor, otherwise I'd have gotten a bald strip.

Come to think of it, going to University to get that degree simply boils down to money, money and more money. Get degree for what? To get a good (paying) job. Score honours for what? To get a good (paying) job. Chiong CCA for what? To get a nice-looking resume and a good (paying) job. Whack internships for what? To get a nice-looking resume and a good (paying) job.

Or at least thats the common view of us practical Singaporeans. Or rather, our parents. Its hard to blame them. As my dad likes to candidly put it, I'm his long-term investment, and I'd better give him solid returns. And why not? After all they dumped so much capital on us (school fees are a killer!) without any guarantee that they'll get back at least the principle amount.

Really respect those who chose their courses based on their own passions and interests, not just the $ sign.

Me? Mixture of both la :D If can save the Earth and make $$$ at the same time, why not man? Hoot 2 birds with 1 wind turbine.


2 weeks to school start! Wonder what's in store for me. What do I see...

Wa kua si mi...

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