Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Pikachu! (th)Undervolt!

And so the quest to save the Earth, reduce global warming and some money ends.

No I haven't been joining some Green Peace movement or something (wish I did, the stuff they do is brilliant. Check this out: Mount Rushmore Stunt)

I've been trying to undervolt the CPUs of both my laptop and PC.

Which, in a nutshell, is trying to force the CPU to suck less energy and produce the same amount of processing power. This works wonders for laptops - not only do they run cooler, the fans run slower producing less noise, plus you get increased battery life!

A Guide to Undervolting

I haven't tested out the effects on my battery life (My battery is currently in cold storage collecting dust), but the temperatures are waaaay cooler than the normal voltage. Just FYI, I went all the way to the lowest voltage the program would allow me to go. Same goes for my PC.

Looking forward to lower electricity bills already =))

To round up the recent deluge of techie posts, I finally took the plunge and reseated my CPU heatsink, new thermal paste and all. Can't say it was easy, I was so scared that I would crack my motherboard from the force needed to push the securing pins in. Dumb design. But it was well rewarded - 61C at full load! That's a whole 10C decrease! I guess PCs need a nice "spa" treatment once in awhile.


Finally, the hall allocations are out. Me in Hall 6, anyone else the same?

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